About us

Seeking for distributor

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Seeking for distributor for selling visual development cards of SymboliCard, European brand of the local CoachCard primarily in Europe and USA.


What is SymboliCard? (What are the SymboliCards?)

SymboliCard is a unique collection of development cards based on the most popular and widely used coaching models. It is an innovative approach adapting graphic illustrations that provide an exclusive customer experience throughout the whole coaching process while supporting enhanced learning and a deeper understanding.


What is the purpose of SymboliCard?

SymboliCard.com was established to provide development experts (coaches, trainers, psychologists) a high quality tool - a SymboliCard - depicting the most frequently used coaching models throughout the development process.


Target group

Coaches - 512x768 pixel - 105284 byte

Qualified development experts - primarily coaches, psychologists, trainers - who are familiar with the basic methodologies and are capable of applying the development fundamentals when consulting with the client.


Code of Ethics

 Code of Conduct SymboliCard - 848x552 pixel - 121255 byte

The document of Code of Ethics is dedicated to summarize all  values and behaviour principles of the company while cooperating with partners, stakeholders (vendors, authorities)  and customers, like development experts.


General Terms and Conditions

 General Terms and Conditions SymboliCard - 556x427 pixel - 56523 byte

The document of General terms and Conditions contains contractual conditions, data handling principles referring to the usage and services of the SymboliCard.com webshop.

In the document the following sections are specified:

  • Maintenance information
  • Products on sale, services
  • Delivery charges
  • Registration
  • The order process
  • Cancellation rights
  • Cancellation process
  • Privacy Policy 


Page URL

The current page primary URL: https://symbolicard.com/development-symbolic-card-about us-1/
The current page additional URL: https://symbolicard.com/doc1/